Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Everett Clyde O'Connor

On Saturday morning about 1am, I started having regular, strong contractions, so we loaded up the pickup and headed into Miles City. We checked into the hospital and began the journey toward childbirth... I had terrible back labor and opted for the epidural late in the morning, around 10:30 or 11, then they broke my water. Hours passed, 15 or so in total, and Everett was born at 5:28p.m. weighing in at 8 pounds 12 ounces, 21 3/4 inches long. We were released from the hospital about 11:30 Tuesday morning, and after running some errands, arrived home about 2:30. Last night was a little hairy, as the young man decided he was starving every hour and a half, but we grabbed a few hours sleep in hour intervals, and I went back to sleep at 4:30 and caught a few more. Of course, I wish I could sleep now, but just can't seem to, so hopefully I'll catch a nap or two later today. Here are some pictures!


Marisa said...

And, check out to see his hospital pic!

Jessica said...

He's just adorable Marisa. I am so happy for you and John!! Congrats again!!

The Farmer's Wife said...

Well, THERE'S the little man! Look at those bright eyes! What a beautiful, beautiful child...

He's just perfect. And I can't wait to plant some kisses on those little cheeks, but we'll see you next week, okay?

Thanks for posting the pictures and the story. Maggie is thrilled, I guess you know, and has been walking around with her stomach pooched out as far as she can make it, saying that she's going to have a baby, too.


Heather said...

He is perfect. Good job and Congratulations!