Monday, September 14, 2009

Here it is

So, I've been meaning to blog about the painting/decorating of the nursery, and a blog to thank those that helped with my baby shower and a few pics, but I've been running ragged lately, it is now 9:23, school is crazy, and I frequently have 20 unread messages in my email inbox, so another quick update is what I will post, and if I don't blog about the nursery or baby shower before the baby comes, maybe those of you who actually read this will forgive me once I post pics of the new baby?

So, here it is, 38 1/2 week appt:

my b/p: 124/78
baby's heart rate: 133
1 cm dilated
70% effaced
baby still hasn't dropped, even though I've had a lot of pressure and naively thought it had
According to the doctor, "the baby could come tonight, or it could come in 2 weeks."
Narrows it right down, now, doesn't it?
Good night.


Anne said...

My vote is for either Sunday am early or for Monday afternoon. :) I'm sorry we didn't get to eat dinner post appointments together but maybe that should translate into Millers bringing parents-to-be steak and whatever the mom-in-waiting desires!

TraciG said...

Marisa... so looking forward to meeting the new little one. You will be in my prayers these next few days. If you need anything on the way to town, please either call or stop by! It will go great, and you won't believe what your body is capable of after the baby is born! LOVE YOU!!!

Jessica said...

OMG...I can't believe your little will be here in no time. I've been thinking of you as has Shelby (yesterday she asked if you were going to have your baby on the side of the road too?!) If you need ANYTHING just call....and I mean ANYTHING!
Love ya!

The Farmer's Wife said...

Yes, and when you drag your poor self to the pediatrician and ask when the little darling should sleep through the night, they will give you the same sort of answer; "Maybe when she's 6 weeks old, maybe when she's 6 years old. All babies are different." Well, crap.

That baby has so many people who have loved him or her before he/she was born! Don't you adore that?! And we love you, and are waiting to descend with the casseroles and coffeecakes. Holding our breath, and holding you in our prayers!

Marisa said...

thank you everyone!