Sunday, January 18, 2009

Ice fishing again

We went ice fishing again, yesterday! The weather was perfect! It was a warm, calm day. The fish started biting before we even finished drilling holes, and mostly quit biting around 2:00 in the afternoon. And, I caught the biggest fish!! We caught quite a few fish, which made for a decent supper for us last night, and another meal later.

1 comment:

The Farmer's Wife said...

OOOOHHHH! I'm so jealous! It was an absolutely GLORIOUS day to ice fish, girl! I think you should post that picture of your fish in LARGE's great.

I have the blessed free morning from cows to wash all my dishes and some laundry, then tackle the school board wad of junk. Looks to be a fun day. (Maybe Molly and I can sneak away for a walk...)